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Commissions and discounts will be paid based on the following services
(these prices are subject to change):

Service Student Discount Company Earns  # of Students  State Profit
Federal Tax Preparation FREE  0-100 stu  $5 dollars
E-file Federal Tax Return $35 $5.00 dollars $5.00 dollars  101 - 201 stu  $10 dollars
State Tax, E-file included $45 $5.00 dollars $5.00 dollars  301 >  $15 dollars
Amend Federal Tax $60 $10.00 dollars $10.00 dollars
Send tax to the IRS $50 $5.00 dollars $5.00 dollars
Tax Test $10   FREE ----
Tax Calculator $5 FREE ----
  Total:   $25.00 dollars

These commissions will be paid at the end of each report made by J1 Summer Tax Back, Inc.

Current Promotions

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Tax Webinar

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Lorem dictumst vitae commodo sagittis consectetur mi, varius id gravida tincidunt faucibus.


Adipiscing id in lectus hendrerit mus in ut vulputate scelerisque fermentum.


Commodo sit in odio velit non lacus, rhoncus, commodo faucibus ac nec.


Turpis metus orci massa, praesent vitae eget purus pulvinar augue et est.

Self Improvement

Porttitor nibh eget tellus sed odio diam sit ultrices sit enim viverra.

Self Awareness

Risus tincidunt tempor, velit hendrerit cras neque adipiscing pharetra, vitae consequat.


Mus a pulvinar lectus cum ultricies nibh mi ac blandit phasellus porttitor.

Life Skills

Orci vestibulum, massa morbi eu nec ultrices integer nulla feugiat morbi.

What Clients Are Saying

“I have file my taxes with previous companies before, but none of them gave all the support that J Summer Tax Back gave me during my tax process..”

Jorge Valentin

“J1 Summer Tax Back was the cheapest and easier option that I found to file my non-resident taxes and their tax experts are really knowledgeable..”

Gregory Maya

"I file my taxes with a tax company that just gave me PDF documents and did not know what to do with them. I found J1 Summer Tax Back and thev helped me send my tax documents to the IRS.."

Ana Castillo

"J1 Summer Tax Back has an incredible customer service team, they answered all my questions and were very friendly."

Bailey Cuz